All Webinars are open for researchers of Universities, ETHZ, EPFL; Universities of Applied Sciences; Universities of the Arts; University of Teacher Education.


Webinar "The Research Proposal: How to convince reviewers to fund your research" - EARLY

DESCRIPTION: Information about funding possibilities focus SNSF; most important features about preparing an application and writing a research proposal on level early career researchers.

TARGET GROUP: advanced PhD candidates (last year), early Postdocs, all disciplines and early MDs, women only


DATE: 8 November, 10.00-12.00

REGISTRATION: open - via e-mail / button below with Code "EARLY"

Webinar "The Research Proposal: How to convince reviewers to fund your research" - ADVANCED

DESCRIPTION: Most important features about planning, preparing an application and, writing a research proposal on advanced level (e.g., SNSF Project Funding).

TARGET GROUP: advanced Postdocs, advanced/established researchers, all disciplines; priority is given to female researchers


DATE: December, 10.00-12.00

REGISTRATION: open - via e-mail / button below with Code "ADV"


Webinar "How-to ORCID"

DESCRIPTION: NEW CV connected to ORCID, and assessment process introduced by many funding organisarion. This webinar presents the importance, chances and limits of ORCID for applications. How-to fill, present yourself and benefit best. 

TARGET GROUP: advanced PhD candidates, Postdocs, advanced researchers, all disciplines and MDs


DATE: 21 Feb. 2025, 10.00-12.00

REGISTRATION: open - via e-mail / button below with Code "ORCID"

Terms and Participation Conditions:

Participation fee must be paid by individual participants not by institutions.
Participation fee must be paid before the Webinar will take place (pre-condition for participation).
Acceptance of participation conditions with registration.
All received documents will be treated confidential and deleted after the Webinar.

Geistiges Eigentum/Intellectual Property:
Alle Inhalte dieser Website, das gesamte Angebot sowie die Formate und deren Titel sind das Geistiges Eigentum von MATUSCHEK CONSULTING. Ohne ausdrücklicher Zustimmung von MATUSCHEK CONSULTING dürfen keine Inhalte weiterverwendet werden./
All contents of this website, the entire offer as well as the formats and their titles are the intellectual property of MATUSCHEK CONSULTING. No content may be reused without the express consent of MATUSCHEK CONSULTING.