For every topic MATUSCHEK CONSULTING offers specific concepts:
Webinars (max. 2h) and Workshops (max. 4h)MATUSCHEK CONSULTING offers a wide range of workshops topics and develops new well-aimed concepts upon request.
All Webinars/Workshops are open for all disciplines and organisations.
- NEW CV: How-to ORCID → Webinars see UPCOMING
- Research Funding & Grant Writing → Webinars see UPCOMING
- Academic Career: Scientific & Academic Profile Development
- Interview-Training in Science & Academia - all
- Interview-Training in Science & Academia - women only
- Successful Networking
Geistiges Eigentum/Intellectual Property:
Alle Inhalte dieser Website, das gesamte Angebot sowie die Formate und deren Titel sind das Geistiges Eigentum von MATUSCHEK CONSULTING. Ohne ausdrücklicher Zustimmung von MATUSCHEK CONSULTING dürfen keine Inhalte weiterverwendet werden./
All contents of this website, the entire offer as well as the formats and their titles are the intellectual property of MATUSCHEK CONSULTING. No content may be reused without the express consent of MATUSCHEK CONSULTING.